How an Idea Becomes a Tour

Before we can get into the details of the upcoming topics, we need a broad overview to get us started on our Concert Business Journey. This workshop will be a lecture-style story of how a tour gets on the road. This foundation is key to understanding where all the different parts fit together.

Full workshop video:

Virtual Tip Jar

If you find value in the workshops, and have the means, I’d greatly appreciate a tip to keep this workshop machine running. I will donate a portion of all proceeds to help roadies out of work during the pandemic. Thank you!

Jen Kellogg

I’ve spent over 25 adventurous years in the concert industry as a roadie, educator and entrepreneur. Sometimes I’m one part of the large machine that gets a huge show on stage for an arena full of excited fans. Other times I’m teaching the next generation of our industry so they can further their own careers. At all times my goal is to make memorable experiences with great people while bringing a little extra joy and value to people’s lives.

Email Jen

Deal Structures for Artist Performance Fees