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No workshop will be held this Tuesday, June 2, 2020 in observance of Music Industry Black Out Tuesday

But learning and action is not on hold. We will take the time independently to learn more ways to be a better ally and fight systemic injustices. 

We will spend time demanding action from our representatives.  Campaign Zero has a comprehensive guide to policies that aim to correct broken windows policing, excessive force, racial profiling, for-profit policing, and much more.   

We will donate money and our time. The Cut has a great list of organizations to donate to and ways to support protests.

We will be reading more to listen and learn. Check out this list of recommended reads from some of the greatest Black American authors, thinkers, and leaders.

We hope you also will do what you can to help enact real change.

May 28

Tour Budgets - Theatre & Arena Tours

June 19
