Inspiration: How to maintain motivation in a pandemic

I love this article from one of my favorite new sources, the Chicago Tribune: How to maintain motivation in a pandemic.

And here are my additional thoughts on it. Live Events People - this is especially for you:

This article gets into the technical aspects of something I’ve been reflecting on for a while.  We always ask kids, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”.  As a society, this has tightly tied our self worth to what we do for a profession, and the income we receive from it.  In this pandemic, and in other times in life, our profession and related income might not be what we want it to be and it can cause us to feel lost.

Let’s ask ourselves (and kids), “What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?” and let that drive us instead. I am a person who brings some value and joy to people's lives, either directly or a part of a team. I help my community and those in need.  I find solutions and I do so with the highest level of accuracy I can. These are a few of my driving forces that help me keep going in this rough time, when I can’t put the title of “concert tour accountant” on it.

I certainly hope that some of the ways that I’m spending my time will result in the external rewards of income, and perhaps (humbly) some recognition.  But whether it does or doesn’t, I’ll be doing it because it feels good to me, and is the person I want to be in this world.

I know this doesn’t address the reality that a loss of income can’t continue forever.  But I think if you are searching for answers on how we can get back to what we normally do - take a look underneath that as ask why we do it.  Take those qualities and think of new ways to accomplish those goals.  It might lead to ideas that will be revenue generators.

Jen Kellogg

I’ve spent over 25 adventurous years in the concert industry as a roadie, educator and entrepreneur. Sometimes I’m one part of the large machine that gets a huge show on stage for an arena full of excited fans. Other times I’m teaching the next generation of our industry so they can further their own careers. At all times my goal is to make memorable experiences with great people while bringing a little extra joy and value to people’s lives.

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Read this: This Business of Concert Promotion and Touring